Elevate for Tomorrow Sponsorships


SKU: N/A Category:


E4T presents a tremendous opportunity to market your businesses to Over 800 High School Students and their families! 


Classroom Sponsor:  Over 800 High School Students attend E4T. Sponsor a classroom where they will attend various workshops such as resume writing.


-Logo on Registration Form distributed to thousands of High School students and their families

-Thank you on Social Media

-Logo on QCStudentChamber website

-Logo On Sign outside of the classrooms

(Opportunity to place swag items in classrooms i.e. coupon for free ice cream, business pen, etc)

Lunch Sponsor: Sponsor lunch for 100 High School Students attending E4T.


-Logo on Video

-Logo on signs by lunchroom

-Thank you on Social Media

-Logo on QCStudentChamber website

Passport Sponsor:


-Logo on Passport that over 800 students receive

-Thank you on Social Media

-Logo on QCStudentChamber website

Additional information

E4T Sponsorship

E4T Classroom Sponsor, E4T Lunch Sponsor, E4T Passport Sponsor